Manifesto of The House of Friends Movement or

A HOFi Manifesto

As written by Shavon Reznikov of the House of Friends for the Universal House of Friends which has no walls or doors.

Note: This is a call to arms and not a philosophical treatise, but one of those is coming to a zine near you soon!

Declarations of the Eyes

Friends, Comrades, Bodhisattvas, and Saints,
1.A. Let us not speak of good and evil, but rather of a series of wheels. One begins from ignorance in the heart and becomes greed and obsession which have formed a chain of misdeeds and grown to be the Hyper-Leviathan sitting atop of the world. At the top of the world, the Levithan is Capitalistic-Cis-Hetro-Normative-Imperialist-Patriarchical-Race-Society.

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